The Curriculum

The curriculum and syllabus of the programme are stated below:

The B.Sc. (Hons) degree is a four year programme in GEOLOGY that provides the graduate with a broad scientific background in preparation for a successful career in a variety of occupations as outlines in the Philosophy and Objectives, providing in the process a solid academic base upon which to build more advanced degrees (M.Sc., Ph.D) if so desired.

The Department places much emphasis on practical work in the laboratories, independent geological field mapping and field trips.  Compulsory standard field mapping and trips are organized during the academic year and vacations for all levels of undergraduates.  At the 300 and 400 levels, there are individual projects in Pure and Applied Geology from which students must select.

To be eligible for a single honours B.Sc. degree in Geology, a student must obtain at least 50 units in the 300 and 400 level courses out of which 40 units must be from Geology.