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Prof. Lawal Olusegun Adebayo
Professor (234) 8053164070 lawal.olusegun@oouagoiwoye.edu.ng; olusegunalawal@gmail.com

Olusegun A. Lawal is a professor in the Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria. He was awarded B.Sc. Zoology in 1992, M.Sc. Zoology (Entomology) in 1995, both degrees from University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria and Ph.D. Zoology (Entomology) in 2009 from Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria. He won Position as a visiting research scholar in molecular research laboratory, Department of Plant Science, McGill University, Canada, for a six months’ interval between March and September 2007. Exchange program between OOU and Orbit Chemicals Nairobi, Kenya, 13-18 March 2016 . He is the currently the Dean, Faculty of Science
Fellow Zoology Society of Nigeria (FZSN)
Course(s) Taught
- BIO 101-General Biology 1
- APZ 203-Lower Invertebrate
- APZ 313-Forms and Function
- APZ 309-Comparative Animal Physiology
- APZ 403-Applied Entomology 1
- APZ 204-Basic Entomology
- APZ 402-Applied Entomology 11
- ZOO 801-Application of Research Methodology
- ZOO 830-Research Techniques In Entomology
- ZOO 831-Biology of Non-Insect Arthropods
- ZOO 832-Insect Taxonomy And Biology
- ZOO 833-Ecology of Insect
- ZOO 834-Insect Vectors And Pests Of West Africa
- ZOO 836-Aquatic Entomology
- ZOO 837-Insect Physiology And Biochemistry
- ZOO 714-Techniques in Apiculture
- ZOO 718-Techniques in Entomology
- Ph.D. (Entomology) Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State
- M.Sc, (Entomology) University of Ibadan, Ibadan
- B.Sc., (Zoology) University of Ibadan. Ibadan. Nigeria.
- GCE,
Membership of Academic & Professional Bodies
- Banjo,A.D., Lawal, O. A. & Sangonuga, E.A. (2006). Nutritional value of fourteen edible insects in southwestern Nigeria. African Journal Biotechnology, 5(3) 293-301. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjdmPT4l6TmAhVUSsAKHWzhCaMQFjAAegQIBBAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ajol.info%2Findex.php%2Fajb%2Farticle%2Fview%2F137791&usg=AOvVaw3HfGSxbtT7Ld6uqdhFtgim
- Lawal, O.A. & Banjo, A.D. (2007) Survey of the usage of arthropods in traditional medicine in southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Entomology. 4 (2)104-112. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiZtNKKkqTmAhVBh1wKHcorBIAQFjAAegQIAxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fscialert.net%2Ffulltextmobile%2F%3Fdoi%3Dje.2007.104.112&usg=AOvVaw0vdgCnL4_koSqH_QgqFtK8
- Lawal, O.A. & Banjo, A.D. (2007). A checklist of pests/visitors of Apis mellifera adansonii (Honeybee) in the six states of southwestern Nigeria. Apiacta, 42: 39-63. https://www.apimondia.com/en/databases/old-apiacta
- Osipitan,A.A., Lawal,O.A., Adekanmbi, D.I. & Adedokun. A.O. (2008). Ability of the Larger grain borer- Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), to breed on, and damage some tree species in ogun state, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Entomology, 25:67-74.
- Banjo,A.D., Lawal,O.A., Fasunwon,B.T. and Alimi,G.O. (2010). Alkali and heavy metals contaminants of some selected edible Arthropods in south western Nigeria. American-Eurasian Journal of Toxicologic Science, 2(1) 25-29
- Osipitan, A.A. Babalola, O. Y. and Lawal, O. A. (2012). Preliminary study of a method of stimulating propolis collection by Honeybees (Apis mellifera)(Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Bee hives. Journal of Entomology, 9 (5): 274-281
- Owagboriaye, F.O, Banjo A.D, Lawal O.A. and Odejayi, A.O. (2013). Evaluation of Nutritional Status of Soldier Ant (Dorylus spp) Meal in Partial Replacement for Fishmeal on Some Haematological, Biochemical and Enzymological Parameters of Wistar Albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 1(5):58-64
- Lawal,O.A., Ademolu, K.O., Aina, S.A. and Abiade, A.N. (2014). Influence of nesting habitats on the gut enzymes activity and heavy metals composition of Apis mellifera adansonii L. (Hymenoptera :Apidae) African Entomology, 22(1):163–166
- Owagboriaye, F.O., Lawal, O.A., Aina, S.A.,Maduka, K.G. and Oni T.E. (2015). Inclusion of processed Soldier ant as dietary supplement on the growth performance of growing rats: Nutrition and Toxicological studies. African Journal of Science and Nature. 1: 45-52
- Lawal, O.A., Owagboriaye, F.O., Aina, S.A., Kalejaye, S. and Adegbite, J.A.(2015) Feed utilization and growth performance of cockerels fed with solider ants (Dorylus Spp Fabricius) as protein source. The Zoologist,13: 56-61