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Dr. Ilusanya Olusolape Afolake
Senior Lecturer (234) 7063048048 ilusanya.olusolape@oouagoiwoye.edu.ng

Dr.Olusolape Afolake Ilusanya is a senior lecturer. She obatained her Ph.D. in Microbiology from the Department of Microbiology, Olabisi Onabanjon University ,Ago-Iwoye . Her area of expertise and interest is environmental microbiology particularly soil microbiology which she has taught with other aspects of microbiology at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the university. Dr. Ilusanya has published research articles in both local and international journals. Her current research interest is focused on harnessing the potentials of microorganisms as eco-friendly alternatives for a chemical free environment.
Course(s) Taught
Environmental microbiology, Soil microbiology, Microbial ecology,Plant virology, Industrial and petroleum microbiology
- Odunbaku, O.A and Ilusanya, O.A.(2008). Antibacterial activity of the ethanolic and methanolic leaf extracts of some tropical plants on some human pathogenic microbes. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 4 (5): 373:376.
- Okonko, I.O., Ijandipe, L.A., Ilusanya, A.O., Donbraye-Emmanuel, O.B., Ejembi, J., Udeze, A.O., Egun, O.C., Fowotade, A. and Nkang, A.O. (2010). Detection of urinary tract infection (UTI) among pregnant women in Oluyoro Catholic Hospital, Ibadan, South-Western Nigeria. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology. 6 (1): 16-24
- Odunbaku, O.A. and Ilusanya, O.A.F. (2011). Synergistic effect of ethanol leaf extract of Senna alata and antimicrobial drugs on some pathogenic microbes. Advances in Environmental Biology. 5 (8): 2162-2165.
- Ilusanya, O.A.F., Adesanya, O.O., Adesemowo, O. and Amushan N.A. (2012). Personal hygiene and microbial contamination of mobile phones of food vendors in Ago-Iwoye Town, Ogun State, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 11 (3): 276-278.
- Ilusanya, O.A.F., Adesetan, T.O., Egberongbe, H.O. and Otubushin, A.T. (2012). Asymptomatic bacteriuria in ante-natal patients attending State Hospital, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 4 (3): 261- 264.
- Ilusanya, O.A.F., Adesetan, T.O., Egberongbe, H.O. and Otubushin, A.T. (2012). Asymptomatic bacteriuria in ante-natal patients attending State Hospital, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 4 (3): 261- 264.
- Adesetan, T.O., Ilusanya, O.A.F., Sobowale, A.A. and Jamani, U.P. (2013). Bacteria commonly associated with bakery equipments in selected areas around Olabisi Onabanjo University Environ, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria. Advances in Environmental Biology. 7 (1): 177-181.
- Neboh, H .A., Ilusanya, O.A., Ezekoye, C.C. and Orji. F.A. (2013). Assessment of Ijebu-Igbo abattoir effluent and its impact on the ecology of the receiving soil and river. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. 7(5):61-67.
- Ilusanya, O. A. F., Banjo, O.A., Onajobi, I.B and Bankole, S.A. (2018). Effect of herbicides on physicochemical properties and microorganisms of soil in Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria. ActaSATECH 10 (1): 49-60. Journal of Life and Physical Sciences.
- Senjobi, C.T., Ettu, A.O. and Ilusanya, O.A.F. (2014). Phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of leaf extracts of Senna hirsuta (L). International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biological Science. 3 (1): 301-306.