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Prof. Oyesiku Olubukunola Oluwole
Professor (234) 8055211645 oyesiku.olubukunola@oouagoiwoye.edu.ng

Oyesiku is a Professor of Bryology in the Department of Plant Science at Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State Nigeria. He was awarded B.Sc. in Botany (Ecology) in 1986, M.Sc. (Ecology) In 1991, both degrees from University of Lagos Akoka, Lagos State Nigeria and PhD (Bryology) in 1999 from University of Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria. He won Chinese Academy of Science (CAS-TWAS) Senior Visiting Scholar Fellowships in 2006 and 2008 for collaboration at the Institute of Botany (IB-CAS) Beijing China. Current collaborations include Taxonomy and molecular phylogenetic of Pterobryaceae (moss) of Africa and Asia. Pharmacological potential of Sargassum against malaria in Nigeria and Martinique French Caribbean Island. He also won TetFund-Institutional Based Research Grant in 2015 and Intellectual Property Right (RP: NG/P/2015/47) in 2015 from the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Chinese Academy of Science (CAS-TWAS) Senior Visiting Scholar Fellowships in 2006 and 2008
Course(s) Taught
- BIO101 Basics of Biology
- BIO102 Plant Diversity
- PLS101 Evolution and Diversity of Plants
- PLS201 Cryptogams (Seedless Plants)
- BIO202 Introductory Ecology
- BIO307 Principles & Patterns in Evolution
- BIO394 Art of Scientific Writing
- PLS317 Plant Ecology & Fieldwork
- PLS390 Industrial Field Experience &Training
- PLS392 Current Topic in Plant Science
- PLS396 Seminar Presentation on related pics
- BIO405 Soil Science
- BIO418 Conservation & Environmental Biology
- PLS402 Economic Botany
- PLS403 Nigerian Vegetation
- PLS491 Literature Review in Plant Science
- PLS499 BSc. Project
- MLT818 Research Techin Soil and Plant Ecol
- BIO802 Research Method & InstrumenTech
- BIO890 Research Seminar
- PLS810 Bryology
- PLS815 Ecology & Physiology
- PLS899 MSc. Dissertation
- PLS999 PhD. Thesis
- The relationship between the Nigerian garden snail Limicolaria aurora and the moss Hyophila crenulata (2006). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/174328206X105380
- 中国海南岛和尼日利亚热带雨林苔藓植物生物多样性比较(英文) Comparative Biodiversity of Tropical Rainforest Bryoflora in Hainan Island China and Ogun State Southwestern Nigeria (2011). http://new.oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?filename=ZGZO201103001003&dbcode=CPFD&dbname=CPFD2011&v=
- A review of Nigerian Bryophytes: Past, present and future (2012) http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
- Morphological and anatomical investigations into the mechanism of leaf pair unrolling in Uraria picta (Jacq.) Desv. Ex dc. (Papilionaceae), a medicinal plant in Nigeria (2013) http://www.bioline.org.br/pdf?tc13099
- Identification and chemical studies of pelagic masses of Sargassum natans (Linnaeus) Gaillon and S. fluitans (Borgessen) Borgesen (brown algae), found offshore in Ondo State, Nigeria (2014) https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajb/article/view/117605
- Aspects of the water relations of five mosses from savanna area of upper Ogun, southwest Nigeria (2015). https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ijs/article/viewFile/131803/121403
- Antimicrobial Activity of Three Mosses, Calymperes erosum Müll. Hal., Racopilum africanum Mitt. , Cyclodictyon Mitt. from Southwest Nigeria (2015) http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jpbs/papers/Vol10-issue2/Version-3/A010230105.pdf
- Are The Fruiting And Non-Fruiting Acrocarpous Moss Barbula indica (Hooker) Sprengel in Nigeria Distinct Species? (2018). http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jpbs/papers/Vol13-issue1/Version-3/A1301030105.pdf