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Mr. Aina Sulaimon Adebisi
Assistant Lecturer (234) 8056154796 aina.sulaimon@oouagoiwoye.edu.ng

Silaimon Adebisi Aina is a budding entomologist. I bagged my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Zoology from OOU, Ago-Iwoye. I specialize in Medical Entomology with a kin interest in Malaria vector research. I also find it a success in tutoring/ mentoring students and helping them developing their aspirations. Modelling students morally and academically. I am a member of Professional bodies like Entomological Society of Nigeria (ESN), Science Association of Nigeria (SAN) among others. I presently work on Molecular diversity and entomological indices of malaria vectors in selected communities in Ogun State, Nigeria. I am currently on the concluding phase of my PhD. I am my late thirties and married to Haleemah Tosin Aina with kids.
TETFund Sponsored attendance at the Entomopathogenic Fungi and Bacteria Training Workshop at Stellenbosch University, South Africa in 2016. WHO sponsored Training Workshop for Career Development on Malaria Vector Research in Nigeria institutions held at UNILORIN and NIMR, Lagos in 2016 and 2017 respectively.
Course(s) Taught
- Animal Diversity
- Invertebrate Zoology
- Basic Entomology
- Mammalian Body
- Applied Entomology
- Banjo, A.D., Lawal, O.A. and Aina, S.A. (2006). The Entomofauna of two medicinal Euphorbiacae in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science Research, 2(11):858-863. Pakistan. http://www.aensiweb.com/old/jasr/jasr/2006/858-863.
- Banjo, A.D., Lawal, O.A. and Aina, S.A. (2006). Insects associated with some medicinal plants in South-western Nigeria. World Journal of Zoology, 1(1):40-53. Jordan. https://www.idosi.org/wjz/wjz1(1)2006/7.
- Banjo, A.D., Lawal, O.A. and Aina, S.A. (2006). Insect diversity of two medicinal labiatae in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Entomology, 3(4):298-304. USA https://scialert.net/archivedetails.php?issn=1812-5670&issueno=9
- Aina, S.A., Banjo, A.D., Lawal, O.A. and Jonathan, K. (2009). Efficacy of some Plant Extracts on Anopheles gambiae Mosquito larvae. Academic Journal of Entomology, 2(1):31-35. Pakistan. https://www.idosi.org/aje/aje2(1)09.htm
- Aina, S.A., Banjo, A.D., Lawal, O.A., Okoh, H.I., Aina, O.O. and Dedeke, G.A. (2009). The Toxicity of Extracts of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Aridan), Delonix regia (Flame of the Forest) and Raphia vinifera (Raffia Palm) on the Larvae of Anopheles gambiae. Academic Journal of Entomology, 2(2):67-70. Pakistan. https://www.idosi.org/aje/aje2(1)09.htm
- Banjo, A.D., Aina, S.A. and Rije, O.I. (2010). Farmers’ knowledge and perception towards herbicides and pesticides usage in Fadama Area of Okun-Owa, Ogun State of Nigeria. African Journal of Basic & Applied Science, 2(5-6):188-194. Pakistan. https://www.idosijournals.org/ajbas/ajbas2(5-6)10.htm.
- Banjo, A.D., Aina, S.A., Amoo, A.O.J., Alogba, R.K., Adegboyega, T.T. and Odejayi, A.O. (2013). Population dynamics of mosquito larvae in waste tires in Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria. Journal of Parasitology, 103:110-114. USA. https://sites.google.com/site/photonfoundationorganization/homw/journal-of.
- Lawal, O.A., Ademolu, K.O., Aina, S.A. and Abiade, A.N. (2014). Influence of nesting habitats on the gut enzymes activity and heavy metal composition of Apis mellifera andersonii L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). African Entomology, 22(1):163–166. South Africa. https://journals.co.za/content/ento/22/1.
- Owagboriaye, F.O., Lawal, O.A., Aina, S.A., Maduka, K.G. and Oni, T.E. (2015). Inclusion of processed soldier ant as dietary supplement on the growth performance of growing rats: Nutritional and Toxicological studies. African Journal of Science and Nature, 1:45-52. Nigeria.
- Lawal, O.A., Owagboriaye, F.O., Aina, S.A., Kalejaye, S. and Adegbite, J.A. (2015). Feed utilization and growth performance of cockerels fed with soldier ants (Dorylus spp Fabricius) as protein source. The Zoologist, 13:56-61. Nigeria.