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Home Department of Microbiology Vision, Mission and Objectives

Mission and Vision

In line with the mission of the University which is to create a conducive environment for teaching, learning, research and building of good character, the Department ensures that students are exposed to best practices in the system. We also demonstrate the scientific, societal and economic relevance of our departmental research activities through publications to increase the institution’s visibility, status and value.

Our Objectives

The objectives for setting up the Department of Microbiology are thus:

      • To provide a thorough and pure microbiological knowledge on which practical applications and industrial trainings are based. The graduates are trained for job opportunities in Medical Laboratories, Biotechnological, Food and Pharmaceutical industries,  Breweries, Agricultural and Veterinary establishments, Research institutes, Environmental Protection agencies and Educational institutions.
      • The practical training both in the laboratory and industrial establishments prepare graduates to be self employed and even become employers of labour
      • To provide a broad-based academic training upon which graduates of programme can build to pursue higher degrees of M.Sc., M.Phil/Ph.D in Microbiology and other related science disciplines.


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